onsdag den 7. januar 2015

W Magazine: De bedste skuespillere i 2014 by Tim Walker

Jeg er stor fan af Tim Walkers legesyge, eventyrlige billeder, så det kan nok ikke undre, at jeg er vild med W Magazines "Best performances"-nummer i år. Tim Walker har fotograferet en lang række kendte og mindre kendte skuespillere - både mænd og kvinder, der har gjort sig bemærket i 2014 for roller i diverse film. Der er så mange, at man undres en smule over et par udeladelser (fx Rosamund Pike for mit vedkommende). 
I skal ikke snydes for billederne, og hvis allerede I har set dem andetsteds på nettet, så kan de altså godt tåle en rewind!

Jeg elsker, at Tim Walker fotograferer de kendte på sin egen excentriske måde i stedet for, at vi skal se de sædvanlige kändis-style billeder, der ikke er til at holde ud. This is a fun treat. 
Jeg skriver navn, film og "citat" fra magasinets hjemmeside under hvert billede. Så kan I også se, hvem I skal holde øje med i den kommende award season!

Hvis I ligesom mig kan lide Tim Walker, så har jeg lavet et indlæg om ham her.

Øverst har vi Reese Witherspoon, men da hun har et billede mere i bladet, så tager vi hende længere nede i indlægget:)


Jessica Chastain in A Most Violent Year and Interstellar
“The part I play in Interstellar was originally written 
for a man. It was about a father and son, rather than a father and daughter. When Christopher Nolan, the director, switched the gender, I don’t think much about the character changed. And that shows you that Hollywood could easily take more chances with female characters: Men and women aren’t that different.”

Ethan Hawke in Boyhood
“Becoming a ‘celebrity’ after Reality Bites made it hard 
to grow up. It created a false reality. You think girls like you, but, really, they like the idea of celebrity. Back then, 
I would take girls home and they would accidentally call me Troy, which was the name of my character.”

Tessa Thompson in Dear White People
“I’ve played pregnant women so many times, it sometimes feels that if there’s a story about the female experience, the female must be pregnant. I’d actually love to play a vampire. That would be liberating.”

Edward Norton in Birdman
“Acting in your underwear—or less—can make you self-conscious, but in Birdman, my character has so much preening self-regard 
that if you get into that head space, being naked is actually freeing. He’s not worried—
so why should I be? He wants you to look at him, so, you know, take a look.”

Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin
“As a child actor, I had 
a hard time booking commercials. I was this 
small, blonde, enthusiastic 
kid, and then I’d open 
my mouth and people 
would hear my voice and 
say, ‘Do you have a cold?’ 
My voice was too deep. 
It confused people.”

Bradley Cooper in American Sniper
“I had advantages in making a film about the Iraq war. 
On USO tours, I went to bases in the middle of nowhere in enemy territory. I was with the soldiers in their barracks, and I really got a sense of it. And, oddly, I had experience from having starred in The A-Team. I learned how 
to shoot guns for that film. After making it, an M-4 
felt as comfortable to me as 
a tennis racquet.”

Meryl Streep in Into the Woods
“The movie that makes me cry is Anchorman. I have the biggest
crush on Will Ferrell. I love him in every film he does. I mean, Ryan Gosling could be my child. I’m not going to have a crush on a child. 
Will Ferrell is a man.”

Emily Blunt in Into the Woods
“I have a crush on Roy Scheider in Jaws. It’s the way that cigarette dangles out the side of his mouth. No one smokes a cigarette like him.”

Eddie Redmayne in The Theory of Everything
“To play Stephen Hawking, I made a chronological graph of his physical condition. I literally listed the muscles breaking down scene by scene—what glasses he was wearing, whether he 
was using one or two walking sticks, what wheelchair he was in. One of 
the toughest things was the different wheelchairs. Trying to hit all the marks and stay in character without moving any muscles was both interesting and nearly impossible.”

Amy Adams in Big Eyes
“My favorite love story is Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I like messed-up, strong women, 
and Holly Golightly has both great vulnerability and strength. She’s found a way to change her reality and then, surprisingly, finds someone she truly trusts. A man who’s willing to stand by a woman who is trapped by the persona she’s created—that’s my kind 
of love story.”

Michael Keaton in Birdman
“Stand-up comedy is one of the hardest, most exhilarating things you can do. There’s no character to hide behind, and it’s your philosophy on full view. In 
the beginning, when I did stand-up I had nothing to lose. It’s best to maintain 
that attitude for your entire career—
the trick is to always work like you’re 
at the base of the pyramid.”

Shailene Woodley in The Fault in Our Stars
“My favorite love story is 
Dirty Dancing. I was young 
when I saw it, and I wanted 
to be Baby! I loved that she and Patrick Swayze came from 
different worlds, and yet they wanted similar things out of 
life. And, of course, I loved the dancing. It was sexier than 
most sex scenes.”

Chadwick Boseman in Get On Up
“To play James Brown, I would rehearse with a tight suit on. That’s the easiest way to get into character: the dress pants, the leather shoes, 
the button-down shirt, sometimes even a tie. To really understand the nuances of Brown’s dance style, you had to be properly dressed like him at all times. When he danced, he wanted you to see the crease in his trousers, the line of his sleeve, and, of course, his pinkie ring. So you had to have that on to show it off.”

David Oyelowo in Selma
“Being British, I was able to play Martin Luther King Jr. as a human being rather than as an icon, a historical figure, a holiday. He wasn’t part of my life the way he is for African-Americans. They grew 
up with photographs of Jesus, JFK, and Dr. King in their homes.”

Emma Stone in Birdman
“My favorite love story is Planes, Trains and Automobiles. The relationship between John Candy and Steve Martin is so touching. 
I must like male love stories because my cinematic crush of the moment is the cast of Foxcatcher. Channing Tatum just knifed me 
in the gut and ran. He slayed me—I don’t even know what to 
do with myself.”

Bill Hader in The Skeleton Twins
“My parents were big movie 
buffs, and they didn’t really care what I watched. My dad let me 
see A Clockwork Orange when I was around 10. I said, ‘Oh, my God—this woman just got raped!’ And my dad was like, ‘Oh, yeah, yeah—but you know what they’re doing is bad, right?’ He thought, It’s Kubrick; it’s a great movie. Everything will be all right if the movie is great.

Tommy Lee Jones in The Homesman
“I always had a crush on the actress Lillian Gish. She wasn’t very tall, but she had this magnificent ***, to put 
it as delicately as possible.”

Julianne Moore in Still Alice
“In one of my first 
films, Short Cuts, I 
am nude from the waist 
down. I guess it was 
scary. And challenging. But it’s not as scary 
as skiing. I only feel 
brave when something really terrifies me, 
and, in my case, that would be skiing.

Miles Teller in Whiplash
“My favorite love story is 
Titanic. For an 11-year-old boy, it was a very special moment. It was three hours in the dark, away from my parents, and I took my first girlfriend. I got my first kiss during Titanic! That’s the greatest gift a movie can give.”

Steve Carell in Foxcatcher
“I used to do a piece on The Daily Show called ‘Slimming Down With Steve,’ and I brought out a jar of Crisco and said to Jon Stewart, ‘This is pure vegetable oil, and if you eat this you will get your daily supply of vegetables.’ They wanted to give me vanilla frosting, but I insisted that it actually be Crisco because it was the funnier thing to do. So I ate, like, a ladleful of Crisco. When you’re in the zone, you’ll do anything.”

Sienna Miller in American Sniper
“For my first part ever, I played 
a girl named Stacey in a BBC drama. She was the really trashy, wrong-side-of-the-tracks girlfriend 
of a geeky boy. I had to say the 
most embarrassing lines: She called a man’s genitalia ‘a purple-headed trouser beast.’ It was so humiliating that I almost quit acting.”

Reese Witherspoon in Wild
“The sex scenes in Wild were the
 most explicit I’ve ever done. I 
dreaded those days of shooting, but 
they were important. Otherwise
 it’s just a hiking movie—and
 that’s not interesting.”

Mark Ruffalo in Foxcatcher
“I surfed, boxed, and played football 
and basketball, but nothing is harder than wrestling. In Foxcatcher, 
the toughest part was mastering the physicality of the sport. After 
three minutes of charging in a full-on wrestling match, you think you’re going to die.”

Jack O’Connell in Unbroken
“My first-ever role was on a daytime program called Doctors. I was a teen runaway with anger-management issues. Then I went on to The Bill, another TV program, where I played a teenage rapist. The kid was caught and got what he deserved, but I don’t know why they kept approaching me for these roles.”

Timothy Spall in Mr. Turner
“To play Turner, I had to learn to paint. Over three years, I did speed drawing and life drawing, and I ended up painting a full-scale copy of one of his masterpieces. It’s on my 
wall at home. I look at it and think, How the 
**** did I do that? I must have been on Turner 
drugs or something, because 
I would never be able to 
paint that again.”

Carmen Ejogo in Selma
“Coretta Scott King was all about her pearls. At one point, I’m wearing pearl earrings 
the size of golf balls. They’re enormous! She was bold—she knew that she was the Jackie Kennedy of her community.”

J.K. Simmons in Whiplash
“I’m now working with a bunch of actors that my 13-year-old daughter has crushes on. She has a thing for bad boys like Miles Teller in Whiplash, which is a little troubling. She wouldn’t mind if I did a movie with Ryan Gosling. Actually, that would make us both happy.”

Dakota Fanning in Night Moves
“For Night Moves, I dyed my hair dark. That was a shock. Everyone acted differently toward me—even my family. My mom has dark hair and dark eyes, so I’ve never really looked like her. For the first time, we were similar. And 
she was not into it. [Laughs] 
The day after the movie 
ended, I went back to being 
blonde—and myself.”

Elle Fanning (near right) in Low Down
“It was always my dream to 
play a princess. I watched 
all the animated Disney 
films, and there were two blondes like me: Cinderella 
and Aurora. My sister 
liked Cinderella, but Aurora 
in Sleeping Beauty was 
mine because of her pink 
dress. Pink was my color.”

Dan Stevens in The Guest and A Walk Among the Tombstones
“After Downton Abbey, I wanted to master an American accent. I had a friend record the Gettysburg Address, and, for some reason, that speech has all the sounds that you need. It also means that I’ve now memorized the Gettysburg Address, which is good, too.”

Katherine Waterston in Inherent Vice
“During the making of Inherent Vice, which is set in 1970, I made mix tapes to play in the car—as if 
I were listening to the radio back then. I played a lot of Tommy James and the Shondells. I blocked out everything current—until the day I got into Joaquin Phoenix’s car. Although he was playing the lead in this period movie, he was listening to hard-core rap. So much for mood influencing character.”

Oscar Isaac in A Most Violent Year
“My big, youthful cinematic crush was on Jessica Lange in King Kong. My dad had just bought a computer, and I used 
it to print out her name in every font. Years later, I made a 
movie with Jessica Lange, and within 30 seconds of meeting 
her, I said, ‘I wrote your name 
in every font.’ She was very
kind. But she may have thought
I was unbalanced.

Jenny Slate in Obvious Child
“I started my career in stand-up comedy. I didn’t have jokes—
my stand-up was a half-on-a-date/half-in-a-therapy-session version of me. I liked to wear dresses onstage and look how I’d look if I was going out with someone I liked. My goal was 
to be an American movie 
actress, and stand-up was my 
way of auditioning.”

Keira Knightley in The Imitation Game
“I got a Scarlett O’Hara doll when I was 11. You know the red dress she wears when she comes in as a whore? I wanted my doll to be in that dress—to be that Scarlett. The image of her in the red whore gown imprinted 
itself on me. It’s really a sexy scene in Gone With the Wind, and she’s such a bitch. That’s when I realized it would be interesting to play characters that are not likable.”

Ralph Fiennes in The Grand Budapest Hotel
“Hotels are funny things. They are a bit like the theater. The front is the nice lobby and dining rooms—and then you go backstage through a service door 
and see another world altogether. That dichotomy has always intrigued me.”

Imogen Poots in Jimi: All Is by My Side
“My first role was when I was 15, in 
V for Vendetta. I played a lesbian 
who passes a note to her classmate. Mostly, I recall that they had copious amounts of cake on set, and I spent most of my time in the cake section. 
I kept thinking, Dreams are real.

Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game
“Both my parents are actors, and they discouraged me from the profession. But I thought their lives were so romantic. 
I did loads of plays when I was at school. It was all boys, so 
I got to play girls. It’s scary how epicene I was. I got the female thing down. My parents were a little worried at that point—they thought they’d lost me to the other side 
of the board.”

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